こんにちはゲストさん! 会員登録(無料)はこちらから
If you don't see the Cancel Order button, then you can't cancel your order.
You can check the cancellation period from the list of payment methods.
For details, see "Cancelling an orderPlease check
If you have any questions about product specifications, how to play, malfunctions, or if there is a problem with the product you received, please contact the contact point listed on each product package or the inquiry point listed on the product page.
For details, see "Product inquiriesPlease check
We accept VISA, Mastercard, JCB, AMEX and Diners.
Please note that we do not accept some types of payment methods, such as debit cards and prepaid credit cards.
Please check the details page.
For details, see "[Credit card] Payment method informationPlease check