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Contact form





Frequently asked questions
Before you contact us,Frequently asked questionsPlease take a look at
If your question is not listed here, please contact us using the form below.
For product defects, click here
Resale requests can be made here*You can post the URL of the product page.
first,"What we would like to ask you before contacting usPlease read ".
We will only respond to inquiries about your order or registration details if they are made by you in person.
If you have specified a domain to block spam, you may not be able to receive emails. Please set your email settings to receive emails from "p-bandai.jp".
The personal information provided will be used to respond to inquiries to Premium Bandai and to analyze the information to improve our products and services.

If you are a member, you can skip the input information by logging in.Log in
Inquiry type *
Name ※ Last namegiven name
Name (Hiragana) ※ Last namegiven name(Full-width Hiragana)
email address ※
*Please re-enter to confirm.
telephone number ※
Order number
Product name or product number
Inquiry details *
Premium Bandai Customer Service
Business hours: 10:00-17:00 Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays and summer and winter holidays)
* Emails accepted 24 hours a day
*Depending on the content of your email, we may respond to you on the next business day or later.

If the above information is correct, please click the "Confirm" button.
